I chose this area because most of the decent places to hike were still covered with ice yesterday, so I stayed closer to home hoping to find an ice-free hiking arena.
There was not a fleck of snow or ice in Baltimore so I thought I would be safe on South Mountain. I couldn't have been more wrong. Once I got on the trail at 7AM I quickly encountered lots of gray ice. I got sick and tired of crunching through the crust and skidding around so I performed a U-turn at Wolfsville Road, only making it a 16 mile day.
Since I had time on the way back I decided to play tourist, make a video and take pictures. So if you visit Annapolis Rocks, it is only 2.5 miles from the Route 40 parking area, and if you are willing to travel a bit further you can reach Black Rock. I'd highly recommend Black Rock as an excellent place for a suicide.
Yesterday I saw many happy loving couples on the trail. These are usually couples in their 20s or 30s where you get the feeling they have been dating for a mere few months and don't yet have the hard look of married people. They often grab their bookpack from college and go for a quick walk on the mountain as an alternative to watching TV all day. It's always fun to watch who carries the shared pack. 20 years ago it was always the male. Now, more often than not, it is the assertive young woman whom you may also find walking a few steps ahead of her man. Of course, I shouldn't speak negatively, you can find more than a few of my annoying hiking dates at the foot of Black Rock.
Here is a very boring Hiking101 video. Don't watch it unless you have trouble sleeping, it's over 8 minutes long and very unhumerous.
Update 8/31/10:
I'm getting a lot of hits from people about this so I figured I would put up a little Google Map to show everyone easily where Annapolis Rocks and the AT is:
View Annapolis Rocks Black Rocks in a larger map
That looks like an absolutely beautiful spot. I wish I had more time to spend outdoors -- I love this time of year. Thanks for posting the outdoor eye candy!
I remember back in college I took my date up to Annapolis Rock for a hike. I recall that she was the assertive one that day.
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