Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month of 2011

A new phenomenon is starting to occur within the Baltimore City Homicide Statistics. In 2011 Baltimore City is starting to see a marked increase in the number of homicides occuring toward the end of the month. The area graph below charts the numbers of homicides that happen on each day of the month during 2011.

This marked increase also occured somewhat in 2010 but not in the years 2009, 2008 and 2007. Nor has it occurred in Detroit for the year 2010.

Possible explanation for this increase is that 11% of Baltimore City residents receive disability checks, many receive retirement and pension checks all at the beginning of the month. For this reason there is more money available and less stress at the beginning of the month than at the end of the month. Most of the homicide victims and those that commit homicides are young black males in the 20-29 age range. Nationally black males have a 35% unemployment rate, and this may be even steeper in Baltimore City which has experienced a loss of manufacturing jobs.

Many Baltimore homicides are drug related and robbery related. Young men dominate the drug trade locally. When money is available there is an abundance of clients that wish to purchase drugs, when money is not available turf wars break out and people resort to robberies. These clashes may lead to violent incidences.

These posts regarding Detroit and Baltimore homicides might be of interest:
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Gender Comparison of Victims
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Comparison of the Age Ranges of the Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Age Range Comparisons of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Gender Study of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics -Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month during the year 2010, Chart
Comparison of Baltimore and Detroit Homicide Victims in Different Age Ranges
Comparison of Baltimore Homicide and Surveillance Camera Locations


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