Detroit Homicide Statistics - Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month of 2010

This chart denotes the number of homicides in Detroit during 2010 on each day of the month.

I'm at a loss for an explanation as too why there are more homicides in the beginning of the month than at the end. All opinions welcome in the Comment Section.

These posts regarding Detroit and Baltimore homicides might be of interest:
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Age Range Comparisons of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Gender Comparison Study of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Method of Death
Comparison of Baltimore and Detroit Homicide Victims in Different Age Ranges
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Method of Death
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month of the year 2011
Comparison of Baltimore Homicide and Surveillance Camera Locations


Anonymous said...

The reason why there are so many more murders at the beginning of the month is because of government welfare. Once the welfare checks are sent, the murderers seek out to get the government welfare money from the victims. The same reason why lottery sales are higher at the beginning of the month and when food stamps are replenished

Cham said...

Tyrone, you are on the right track but the challenge is a little broader when it comes to the Detroit homicides. I've done some research since I published this post and I might also add that many of the 2011 homicides in Baltimore occur at the end of the month, where the opposite problem occurs.

It's not necessarily welfare checks. It's more ALL checks. Many pension checks are issued on the first of the month as well as social security checks. I've learned that disability checks may be disbursed at any time during the month but instinct tell me that many people request they are issued at the beginning of the month when rent is due. But why the difference in Detroit and Baltimore?

The answer is in the age of the victims. In Detroit in 2010 the average age of the victims was much higher than the average age of the homicide victims in Baltimore in 2011. Baltimore is the heroin capitol of the US, according to many drug kingpins. Many homicides in Detroit are robberies, where as many homicides in Baltimore are caused by personal disputes.

So, yes, the beginning of the month people have more cash in their pocket making them susceptible to becoming robbery victims in Detroit. At the end of the month money dries up, leaving fewer heroin customers and creating a tense situation when it comes to drug turf in Baltimore.

In 2012 the average age of the Baltimore homicide victims has increased significantly, and now we see an increase of homicides in the beginning of the month. Since the homicide closure rate in Baltimore is running less than 25% and Baltimore sees almost no case closures when it comes to young black men who are victims of gun shot wounds in a street or alley, we may never really know the cause of the 2012 homicides, but I'd guess this year there is a big increase in robberies.