Green Mount Cemetery Map - Famous People, Baltimore

Greenmount Cemetery, BaltimoreHere are 2 GPS-friendly maps you can use to find the headstones or grave markers of the 78 notable people buried at Green Mount Cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland, as well as a clickable list of some of the people buried at the cemetery. These maps should assist you in finding the graves in the cemetery. If you are looking for the grave site of a specific person click here for the Google Map site. On the new Google Map page you will find an index of people listed in alphabetical order on the left pane. If you click on the name it will take you to the location on the map.

Here is the Google Maps version:

View Green Mount Cemetery Plot Map - Famous People at Google Maps

The people associated with these waypoints (click on name for more information):

Arunah Abell Annie ArmstrongSamuel Arnold Edwin George Baetjer
General Henry Bankhead John R Bland A Aubrey Bodine Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte
John Wilkes Booth General Richard Bowerman Augustus Bradford General Joseph Brent
Jessie Bright Alexander Brown Frank Brown J Archibald Campbell
John Lee Chapman General James Deems General Levi Axtell Dodd Allen Dulles
John Eckhardt General Arnold Elzey Isaac Emerson James Swan Frick
General Charles Gaither Robert Garrett General John Gills Robert Goodloe Harper
James Hodges Johns Hopkins General Benjamin Huger Obed Hussey
General Joseph Johnston Harriet Lane Johnston William Keyser Sidney Lanier
Ferdinand Latrobe James Law J Wilson Leakin General Henry Little
J Walter Lord The Lucas Family D. John G Machen Etta Haynie Maddox
William Marburg Theodore McKeldin Louis McLane Robert McLane
Robert M McLane Harry Nice Robert Norris Daniel S Norton
Michael O'Laughlin Robert Oliver Enoch Pratt James Preston
Samuel Ready General Lawrason Riggs WH Rinehart Admiral Cadwallader Ringgold
Albert Ritchie Commodore Thorton Rollins Moses Sheppard Morris Soper
General George H Steuart Sr General George H Steuart Jr Thomas Swan General Isaac R Trimble
General Erastus Tyler Joshua Vansant Severn Teakle Wallis Henry Walters
William T Walters General Henry Warfield Olivia Cushing Whitridge William Pinkney Whyte
Thomas Wildey Ross Winans General John Winder General William Windsor

The Green Mount Cemetery Map at Everytrail can be easily used with your iPhone, you can also download a gpx file of the grave locations for used with just about any handheld device including GPS receivers such as Garmin and DeLorme, and you can also download a kml file to view in Google Earth. Just click on the Everytrail link and EveryTrail can help you out with transferring the grave locations.

Green Mount Cemetery Baltimore Famous People Burial Site Map in EveryTrail