Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Manner of Death

The Baltimore Police Department classifies homicides in four main categories: Blunt Force Trauma, Gunshots, Stabbings and Asphyxiation. Every year there are a few homicides that fall into other categories as well but for research purposes this study will only look at these four categories. Below is a bar graph that shows the number of homicides between 2007 and 2011 that fall into each category. Keep in mind the number of homicides is decreasing over time, the total number was 282 in 2007 and 196 in 2011.

One may notice the number of homicides is on the decrease in all categories except stabbings which is on the increase. To make a fair comparison we will need to compare the percentage of homicides in each method of death of the total number of homicides in each year.

With this chart one can see the percentage of shootings and asphyxiations is decreasing, the percentage of blunt force trauma varies and the percentage of stabbings is on the increase. The reason for this is because it is becoming increasingly harder in Baltimore to get one's hands on a gun.

These posts regarding Baltimore and Detroit homicides might be of interest:
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Gender Comparison of Victims
Baltimore Homicide Statistics - Comparison of the Age Ranges of the Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Age Range Comparisons of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Gender Study of Homicide Victims
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Method of Death
Detroit Homicide Statistics - Number of Homicides on Each Day of the Month during the year 2010, Chart
Comparison of Baltimore and Detroit Homicide Victims in Different Age Ranges
Comparison of Baltimore Homicide and Surveillance Camera Locations

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