2025 Baltimore City Homicide List

This is a list of the 2025 Baltimore City homicide victims and additional information regarding age, incident location, notes, and event proximity to police surveillance cameras .
No.Date DiedNameAgeAddress Block FoundNotesVictim Has No Violent Criminal History*Surveillance Camera At Intersection?**Case Closed?
001 01/09/25 Unidentified Man 36 5900 Dawalt Avenue Shooting victim
*Drug offenses, burglary, prostitution, gun possession, domestic violence(this charge is not specific enough) and unauthorized taking of a vehicle charges are not considered violent. Violent offenses include murder, attempted murder, robbery, using a gun in a crime, and first degree assault. This has changed from previous years, where second degree assault was included

**Affirmative if distance between a CCTV cameara and the homicide location is one block or less.

If one wants to check whether there are Baltimore City CCTV cameras at any particular intersection they may use this map.

Blogger is not the Baltimore Police Department, not the Homicide Unit, not the States Attorney, not the Medical Examiner nor the FBI. Blogger lives in Baltimore City and really really likes it here. If you are a racist, a misogynist, or hate Baltimore City please don't write a comment. If you have a piece of information I missed or can add something productive, please comment because I will appreciate it. Comment moderation is most definitely on.