Then there was the time the dollar was weak and big monster capital equipment was everywhere, cheap stuff from Japan and Korea. One yahoo truck driver tried to transport of piece of it once and took out a bridge on the beltway, along with about 5 people. Then there was the time that aluminum was cheap. Some Russian bought about a billion ingots and put them all over the place. They sat for a couple of years and maybe he sold high, but one day they were gone.
Oddball stuff comes and goes, but with the help of the Internet sometimes I am able to find out what something is. Take a look at this picture and see if you can tell me what this is (Hint, it is part of a very popular item these days):
Here is a whole bunch of them from another angle.
Off in the distance are some pieces of the rest of the apparatus.
Of course, for that answer all you have to do is visit the Suzlon website for the obvious visual explanation.